Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day Two:Finding my Inner Child

Its only been two days and I'm already sick of dating myself. I'm a mess. I realized that in order to continue to grow, I must go back to the beginning. Let my inner child out. I need to continue to allow myself the opportunity to explore. When I was little I was always creating something, putting on a show, dancing around the house, modeling fashions in the hallway. My imagination was alive and so were all my imaginary friends. I could create whole worlds in my head. I don't know what happened to that spirit that was inside me but I haven't seen it in a long time. I don't know if NYC has made me jaded, but the little girl I remember always followed her heart and loved to share her energy with everyone. I loved painting as a child and so I bought some canvas and started painting some pictures. I may not know what I'm doing but this date has allowed me to unleash the inner artist that still lives in me. It was nice to get messy and just let the brushes do what they wanted.  I learned there is no such thing as perfection and letting yourself create with no judgements can be very relaxing. I think I might try this again.
My paintings

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