Friday, April 12, 2013

Day Eleven: Change of Scenery

I love my apartment, it feels like my sanctuary, but I totally needed to change the energy and give it a new pop. Since I definitely knew I wasn't going to paint it again I thought an easy way to change the room was by changing the comforter and cleaning off my nightstands.  I got the comforter from my favorite store ever, Target. Target is like a drug, one thing from there is too many, yet a thousand things from there is never enough. I can get lost in Target, but that's Target in the suburbs not the one in downtown Brooklyn that never seems to have anything on the shelves. Regardless I can wander around that store for hours buying things I wasn't even thinking about. A trip to go pick up two things can turn into a $200 bill so easily. Anyway the new bed set totally brightened up my mood and my room. I believe that when you need a change just pick one thing to change the energy of the environment and you've got yourself a whole new space. Also cleaning up never hurts either, even though I hate cleaning especially doing the dishes, but I digress; I learned that you can make everything seem like new again with one change, that goes along with anything in life. I have been working on changing my way of thinking and now I see the world a little differently. I never said changing my thinking was easy, but I am doing better with listening to my concerns  and feelings when it comes to different situations. Now I can't wait to crawl under my new comforter and enjoy sweet dreams.
                                          messy bedroom before (it was a busy week yall)

                                                                   A whole new world

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