Monday, April 22, 2013

Day Twenty: Spring Cleaning

I could literally open up a small clothing store with all the clothes I have in my closet. Since I've gained weight I'm having a hard time with letting go because I want to keep my clothes that I used to wear so that I have a goal to look forward to. I finally cleaned out my jewelry and shirt drawers. Where did I get all this shit from? Even with taking out some shirts I still have shirt overload. My dresser drawer is a dangerous place. I still really want to lose weight but I'm being tested with the tendinitis in my ankles, I can't workout and it just hurts to move. I think this is a lesson in patience for me. I 've learned that I can let go and be comfortable with where  I'm at in the moment, but I'm holding on to my old clothing because I'm going to get there eventually.

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