Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day Sixteen: Angel Therapy

I've been seeing my Angel Therapist Vanessa for the past three years and every time I have a reading I leave with so much clarity. We use crystals, altars, tarot cards, and her talent to get in touch with my guardian angels. During this angel therapy session we connected to my future and focusing on my writing and how much I should continue to pursue it. She told me to connect with writer's groups and  to create my own writing persona. I loved this idea, allowing myself to create a character and staying connected to my creativity in all my artistic endeavors. We of course addressed the boy issues that I have and now is the time for me to continue to focus on me.The guy that I like is too emotionally fucked up to deal with and has too much pain and trauma in his past to try to actually deal with love. I also learned about floral essences that I could use in place of drugs and help keep me strong in my quest of sobriety. Today was a totally positive based energy session. I know some people don't believe in energy work or psychics but they have always worked for me, kinda like a life coach.  I think its a cool idea to at least try something once and see how it works for you. I got a lot of life guidance in my session.  I find this as a way to connect to my Higher Power. I feel so much more grounded and secure in my life decisions, now is the time for me to move forward into all things wonderful.

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