Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day Eighteen: Exercise Overload

There are always consequences in life. I finally dropped a pants size (Yay for me) through my diet and exercising. I think the shot of apple cider vinegar that I take in the morning is really working and so is the 3 hours of exercise. However because of all that work I started having an immense amount of pain in my ankles. The pain started on Monday and increased on a daily basis, to the point where I could barely walk. I thought I could pop Aleve and eventually the pain would subside, however that was not the case. I FINALLY went to the doctor on Friday and found out that I have tendinitis in both ankles. I have to stay off my feet, so no exercising for me, and go to physical therapy. I thought I could live with the pain but unfortunately this was not the case. I learned that I need to go to the doctor immediately and not put myself through excruciating pain because I think I'm a warrior. Self care is still a hard concept for me to wrap my fingers around. However through this experience I learned that pain is your body's way of telling you that something is wrong. From now on I will listen to my body.

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