Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day Seventeen: I'm a financial genius

I admittedly am not good when it comes to numbers. I always relied on my husband to manage our financials since he was in banking, but now that I'm divorced I had to get my own finances together. Especially since I've had to pay lawyer fees and doctor's bills. Its hard to come off of one addiction without slipping into another, and that addiction for me is shopping at Forever 21 online ordering clothes that I wish I could fit into. However after my tax bill came in I had to get with a new program, dropping a couple G's will do that to you. So I made an excel spreadsheet of my monthly income and all the bills I have on a monthly basis and was able to calculate how much I had left to spend for the month. I can't believe I actually did something responsible. I had been avoiding doing this fairly simple task for months, but now I actually know the reality of my situation and surprisingly it makes me feel better. I'm going to see how well this works for me over the next couple months, now I can add no shopping to my lists of No's. One more thing taken away from me in my quest for sanity and sobriety, but hey at least I've still got my nicotine. I learned that I can make a budget without help from others, that I'm not as financially inclined as I once believed, and that above all once you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything.

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