Saturday, May 11, 2013

Day Thirty Six: Over Achiever

I've been kind of out of the acting game for a while and have been questioning my dedication. I feel extremely rusty in class and I've been wondering if I really am good. It's nice to have the support of my friends but I still need to find support in myself. Regardless I just took on another acting assignment because the teacher needed people to double up. I volunteered hoping this opportunity would renew my faith in acting. I see how I continue to strive for perfection, even though I know there is no such thing as perfect. I learned that maybe I am more dedicated than I give myself credit for. I learned that its OK to feel rusty and that I have to continue to believe in myself. I hate those days where I can't seem to get my self esteem back, but the great thing is that it's still one day at a time.

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