Monday, August 12, 2013

Day One Hundred and Thirty Two:Lama Marut

Tonight I went to a spiritual speaking event given by Lama Marut, basically talking about how to live in reality through radical acceptance. It was very similar to what I'm learning in my NA program. He talked about two mantras to live by. Of course I've already forgotten them, but summed up one was talking about it is in this moment. Life is what it is in this moment. What I got from it was living in a state of continued gratitude and accepting that life is what it is. More so about having expectations and wanting what we want now, and not wanting what we have is what causes discontentment in life. It wasn't exactly my cup of tea, but the message made me appreciate my program so much more. It told me that what I'm working on through my spiritual principles are very similar to the principals of eastern religion, however I like my program more. I learned that I am starting to become more connected to the principals that are practiced in NA. I also learned that these are very simple concepts that are hard for complicated people to grasp. Today I learned that I am grateful for NA.

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