Friday, September 20, 2013

Day One Hundred and Sixty Four: Friday the Thirteenth

I love Friday the Thirteenth. Every time  it rolls around people act like its such a bad luck kind of mood, but I totally embrace it. I found out that I got a personal assistant job on the side that I think I can balance with my 9-5.  I broke my plan to not attend any meetings this week, by going to my Friday morning home group, because I didn't want them to think that I was on the run. It was good to see people. but I'm still as confused as ever about my status. I just can't seem to except the fact that I have to surrender to the program. I learned that I hate rules and the same lesson that I've been learning through this process is that I am just rebellious. I really have a problem with authority and I've been that way for a very long time and I kind of don't want to change it.

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