Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day One Hundred and Seventy Two; Overwhelmed

I went to see a nutritionist today and basically she told me I was going to have to change my entire diet, which is just another stressor for me since I'm going through so many life changes right now. I'm in a recovery program, I just started a new job in a new industry, and now I can't enjoy food the way that I would like to. I really used to love eating and now it just feels like something that I just do, because I have to do it. I'm not having any fun in my life right now. I had a massive crying attack after I left the appointment. I am just a little depressed now, but at least now I can recognize that feeling. I learned that all these changes are making me hate my life right now, but that its okay to feel that way because hopefully the feelings will pass.

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