Friday, September 20, 2013

Day One Hundred and Sixty Eight: Another Job

So today I got an email from an individual that I had applied for a personal assistant position with. I am very excited to do this job since it will provide me with extra money that I can put directly into my savings. I really want to bring my credit card balances down, pay off my medical bills, and lawyer fees, and take the cats to the doctor which is long overdo. I need to focus on balancing my budget and planning for the next year. I'm trying to practice this concept of having faith that my Higher Power will provided for me and that if I continue to be productive good things will come my way, but I still struggle with that every now and again. Believing in something invisible is not a tangible idea for me for some reason. I learned that I am definitely more responsible these days, but I still have a little trouble with balancing my budget. I am learning how important it is for me to plan my weeks out, but hopefully everything will work itself out.

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