Friday, June 21, 2013

Day Seventy Seven: Battling Depression

I am still totally insecure about what others think of me. I know that I shouldn't give others so much power, but I just haven't reached that stage in my development yet. When I'm sharing in meetings I think people hate me, but I still share because I have to voice my feelings. I had a little tiff with my friend the day before and I could tell that it was still bothering me. It reminded me of how I feel like I can't do anything right and I suck when it comes to relationships. I haven't been able to call some of my friends because it's been so long and I feel embarrassed. I learned that self esteem takes time to develop but as long as I recognize when these thoughts occur and bring me down I can take a step back and question why I am taking things so personally. I am learning to recognize my behaviors that don't serve a purpose. Hey its definitely a step in the right direction.

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