Friday, June 21, 2013

Day Seventy Eight: Budgeting

I had to put my big girl panties on today. My funds are getting low and I definitely have to budget better. I can't just go around placing my bank card down, I really have to balance my checkbook. However at the end of the day I have been doing a good job of paying my bills on time. I finally  opened my mail after three weeks of not looking at it, following my out of sight out of mind mantra just isn't working anymore. I was able to decide what I could afford and what needed to be put on hold at this time. Its funny because I learned about balancing my checkbook in the fourth grade, yet those skills have been under utilized. I learned that if I just stop procrastinating I can get on top of things. I also learned that bills aren't the enemy but just a way of living life on life's terms. I will be opening my mail from now on.

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