Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day Eighty Five: And it Begins

Now that my ankles are almost back to their regular usage I am back on my exercise plan. Today I ran on the elliptical for 30 minutes, went to Pilate's, and then went to yoga. Three times a day I am back on the exercise since I've been eating like a pig late at night. I really have to push myself to keep exercising but reminding myself to be careful so that I don't re injure my ankles. I learned that I clearly have body dysmorphic disorder and I totally need help with working on that. No matter what I do I feel like I'm just getting fatter and fatter and its kicking up my depression. I hate to be so vain, but I don't feel like I'm living in my body. There are certain days where I'd rather be insane and skinny vs. happy and fat. I learned that I need to continue to push myself but I need help from outside sources and it's okay to ask for help when you need it.

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