Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day One Hundred and Eight: Cute Boy

I had an audition today and ran into a good friend that I thought had moved to LA. He always is hitting on me in a nonchalant way that kind of makes me curious, but I took a vow that I would not date any actors, it's just too much emotionally draining sometimes. However I like the his persistence. Who knows, maybe I should give it a shot. I'm going to have to think on this one for awhile. I mean he is cute and its hard for me to resist a cute guy. I learned that maybe I am ready to get back in the dating scene, but I'm not really sure about having a serious relationship. I also learned that you never know why someone continues to appear in your life over and over again. Maybe this is a sign that I need to pay attention to. Only time will tell.

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