Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day One Hundred and Seventy Nine; Finding my Voice

Today I got my hair braided and it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. I wanted my braids to be thicker and I kept telling her but at the end it wasn't what I wanted. Once again I didn't speak up and just left with the finished product because it had already been a long day and I just wanted to go home at that point. I also have been seeing this guy and I feel like we haven't been spending quality time together. I did speak my mind about this because I was ready to break up and was getting extremely angry about the situation. I told him that I wanted to spend more quality time together vs. just seeing each other. I was very proud of myself. I learned that I am beginning to stand up for myself and use my voice even if it's a little at a time. It does feel nice to let my feelings known to others.

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