Monday, October 7, 2013

Day One Hundred and Eighty Six: Brunch with the Crew

This has definitely been a going out weekend for me. After having a lovely evening with Kisha I got to meet up with my old crew from acting class for brunch, which was really nice. I had french toast which I've been dreaming of for about 3 weeks now. French toast and a mimosa would have been ideal, but I stuck to orange juice, boo on that, but it was so great to see everybody and let them know what has been going on in my life and catch up with them. I let them know that I am returning to class just for fun,and I have gone back to my old life of living one day at a time. One day at a time is so hard sometimes. It was good to talk and see everybody, I hope we can do it again real soon. I learned that I need to have more fun and I definitely have more fun when I'm seeing the people that I really enjoy being around.

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