Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day One: And So I Begin

So last year I tried to do this task and got pretty far into dating myself and then I kind of just fell off the bandwagon, but now I'm back and I am more determined than ever to start the journey of self discovery again. This week leading up to the dating process was filled with all kinds of ideas that focused on promoting my creativity and the first lesson that I learned was to not be so hard on myself. I have this tendency to never think I'm doing enough, even when I've got ten things going on at once. This time around I'm going to be a little gentler with myself. Last year was a whirlwind. My divorce was finalized, I was living alone after 7 years of being in a partnership, I took a break from acting, and I started dating a man before I was ready (hence falling off the wagon), but the great thing about of all this is that it has really motivated me to get to know myself. So here I am, open and vulnerable, ready to share my experiences with the world in hopes that it can help someone else or at least let you laugh at my retardation. Regardless, its time to reflect on day one.

Holidays can be hard, at least for me, I'm still at that place where when holidays roll around I'm reminded of my past life and what I used to do. At this moment I'm participating in an 8 Week Bikini Series Challenge and I am 5 weeks in. This has been the most tiring 5 weeks of my life, get up at 5:30 to workout for a little more than an hour, go to work, look for a job (if you hear of anything let me know), go to rehearsal (I'm doing a play, say what?), and then come home to unwind (eat and get ready for bed hopefully by midnight). For the first 4 weeks I was doing this while doing a 30 day vegan cleanse, not a pretty sight (angry and hungry most of the time). I don't know how I was vegan for 3 years, I totally can't live without a fried fish and hot sauce binge every once in awhile. All that can be said is that my body is mad at me. Somehow I thought, seeing that it was a holiday, I would give myself a break, but for some reason an extra day turned into an opportunity for me to treat myself to a workout class that I don't usually get a chance to take.

The weather was awesome (a lovely 80 something degrees). I hoped on my hello kitty sticker adorned cruiser and biked into the city to my yoga studio where I took a Danceworks class, where we learned the Britney Spears I'm A Slave For You Routine, complete with body rolling (probably my all time favorite dance move after hip circles). I was channeling Ms. Lopez, keeping my eye contact direct and sexy, even if I messed up a step. After sweating it out on the dance floor I chilled out with a Vinyasa Yoga class, hopped on my bike and headed back to Brooklyn where I ended up cleaning my apartment. There is nothing that I hate more than doing dishes and I did them and cooked some meals for the week. When I woke up this morning to my clean house it was nice to know that I got that off my list. And so I begin this process with a little booty shaking, some meditation, a clean slate, and some optimism that things can only get better. 364 days to go ...

Friday, May 23, 2014


So I've been M.I.A. for a minute, life can do that to you sometimes, but I'm back and this time more determined than ever to get in my year of me-ness. So stay tuned because my week starts this Sunday May 25th.